About: Heart Expansion
All the information is there, except for the information that isn’t there.Onnet Librarian
Hey! You Clicked on The Heart! That could mean you really wanna be my pal or something! And I could talk even more about myself!
But seriously: vulnerability is a radical act, especially in the corporate-soulless-generic Web 3.0 Internet as it is now. Bring back the retrospective charm of building something just to say: Hello My Future Joy/friend! Complete with a theme song, maybe!
If you're as excited for online reading material like I am-- or just morbidly curious-- let's get to the nit-grits. You should have already read the preliminaries of my About page but if not...

The O.L.D. Pitch
- Gender and Pronouns non-binary (agender), they/them
- Orientation Bisexual/Queer/Not Str8
- Style(s) non-monogamous
- Love Languages Quality Time, Physical Touch, Acts of Service
- Flirting Style Polite, Sincere
I ramble about the east coast as a nerdyish millenial that enjoys blogging, video games, and reading all the Afrofuturistic stories. Once I clock out from Capitalism's Keyboard, I'm listening to retrospectives on what I grew up with-- probably wandering around in the woods while doing so.
This wallflower likes to dance (badly, and sometimes). And small talk is for coworkers: what are you passionate about?
My Covid-19 practices include: frequently testing, keeping the 6-feet rule, getting the boosters, and isolating and/or masking when I'm not feeling well.
I ask for your patience as I work through the anxiety and innate skittishness (and tend toward introversion).
Subtlety is wasted on me because I am just oblivious. It may not be sexy or nice, but just be blunt!
Current Configuration(s)
i am mine.
before i am ever anyone else's. nayyirah waheed
Life's too short for me to be straight and monogamous.
- meshnest of partners and loved ones
- enjoying the petamours
- single-income household? in this economy?!
- tsundere HBIC and pet ig
Current Desires
So let's team up for a second
Promise to meet up for a second
At the end of time you'll find me
Under the lightpost telling stories and smiling Cutesylvania's "Purple Shield"
- chosen family
- peers ...and accomplices
- community and solidarity
- buttslaps
People to hang out on the porch with. People to play FLUXX with. People to hang out online with while we build web things and enjoy our hobbies and share stories together. Always down to fall in love.
I'm trying to find my peace
I was made to believe there's something wrong with meJanelle Monae's "Cold War"
The above fire and cocktail emoji imply that I am very disatisfied and frustrated about the state of things.
- 200% done with NeoLiberalism
- capitalism sucks
- 1312 and Defund the Police
- trans rights are human rights
- medicare for all
- Free Palestine
- abortion is healthcare
- both parties suck
- social services aren't evil communist plots
- and when are we going to stop joking about eating the rich?!
"[Ipsen] had to ask Colin something: "Why did you come with me?" (Garnet, "And? What was Colin's answer?") "Only because I wanted to go with you."Zidane Tribal
Life's also too short to not tell your family, friends, loved ones, strangers on the Internet, Internet friends, your pets, et al that you love them.
Any labels are approximate, and a relationship can have more than one label. And every relationship is important to me, regardless of hierarchical norms. Platonic? Romantic? Yes. Also, that line can and will blur as being queerplatonic. And I want all of my relationships to grow how they will, and not stifle them with relationship escalator expectations and limits.
The Tells
It's impolite to talk in someone else's dream.Cheon Song Yi
Once I make an attempt to overcome my shyness I will just straight up tell ya if I want to be friends or take you out on a date. And if you do manage to get my undivided attention... I tend to ask questions, text first, and will seriously consider breaking my routine.
For the romantics... make me feel wanted. My imagination is overactive, set it on fire with possibility.
And for the record, coffee dates are good for any date.
I'm going to spend my life fighting for some cause or other. Because of who I am, and how I see the world. I need an oasis. I need a place where there is no fighting. I need a little slice of world peace. Aggie D'Amour
Sometimes, I gotta degauss. I can get overwhelmed with stimuli and need space and quiet to process things-- especially when I'm really upset over something. On rare occasions a shutdown-and-restart (read: nap) would be required.
If I'm venting, ask if I need advice or just be listened to; that can vary and I don't take unsolicited advice well.
I'm on the mend if I start joking again. Even the gallows humor sort; it's fine, I'm in therapy. (Can I say that!?)
Anything can happen once, Grandmother used to say. When it happens twice- listen. The third time may be too late.Tananarive Due's "Summer"
This could be common sense, but common sense ain't so common and what even is that, anyway? But seriously, bigotry and willful ignorance are the quickest ways to piss me off, and some things will put you on my Shit List real fast. And that shit list includes, and not limited to:
- gender essentialism
- toxic monogamy
- machismo
- heteronormative nonsense
- refusing to take accountability
I'm also pretty burnt out on conversations debating my humanity, and have no patience for it.
Check. Pause.
If I love you, I have to make you conscious of the things you don’t see.James Baldwin
Listen to me.
If I bring something up, take heed-- depending on the severity you may only get one chance to rectify it. I'm bringing it up either because I recognize the pattern, or you've done it enough times (usually twice) to warrant concern.
Ooooooor I can just fuckin' bounce. I can do that when I feel we aren't close... or I feel it'd be in vain to call something out.
But if I do, it's because I love you.
It's a little secret we organics like to keep: always hold a little something back for emergencies. Garrus Vakarian
Despite all the details, I'm bound to have forgotten something if it isn't on a Need-to-Know basis. And, well, some things you'll discover once you get to know me better.
And you know where to find me!
Thank you for taking your time to read this sign.
This sign loves you.a sign