
Welcome to v1!

Here's my lil corner in the Internet, which is also my link-in-bio. I fiddle with this site a lot, because I love fiddlin' with things. I thank you very much for checking this thing out!

My Haunts

Archive of Our OwnEsaa Albi Tas

DreamwidthMy Favorite Void



PillowfortMimosa Potion

My Projects

Raintree Ruckus

Raintree Ruckus

This is where I talk outward about various topics. Sometimes there's the more serious essays, casual updates about my life, or rants or rambles or nostalgic tears.

AviAlbi @ Twitch

AviAlbi on Twitch

I play games and ramble about things! I gravitate toward visual novels, puzzles, and life sims. My goal this year is to actually stream more!



Hosted on Glitch. Where I write lore bits about my VTuber character Avi.SAAI's, with light world-building in the form of "logs." This is also an excuse to play around with the 11ty software.

Our Favorite Void

Our Favorite Void

I uh, I don't know yet.


SOON: Temple of the Ancients

If I can find some really old stuff of mine, I'll throw it in this folder.

The Albinanigans!

You are here!

Currently hosted on NeoCities er, NekoWeb. Part link-in-bio, user manual, sandbox, and hoarde for shiny stuff. It'll grow into whatever additional weird thing this is gonna be.

